
Name: Maung Soe aka Cloud/Zante
Age: 19
Birthday: 03 Oct 1990
Primary School: Yishun
Secondary School: Yishun Town
Tertiary School: Anderson JC


Criminal Law
Calm Songs
Positive Friends
Physical Geography
Touching Movies


False Accusations
Hardcore Criminals
People who "barks"
The Death Penalty




1st-class Honours
Successful Teacher
Flying Side Kick
NCAP Theory
International TKD Referee


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


--- 3 SIR Friends ---
Freddy Peh
Herman Cheong (Econs)
Herman Cheong (Personal)
Kelvin Lam
Timothy Chan

--- AJC Classmates ---
Hsien Yong
Hui Keat (Blog 1)
Hui Keat (Blog 2)
Phyu Thinn
Qi Yi
Wen Jie
Wen Ying

--- MI Classmates ---

--- YTSS Schoolmates ---
Jin Cai
Kai Sheng
Yang Yi
Zhi Jun


Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's Now or Never

Whoa... it seemed only a while but a whole month has passed! The past month has been physically tiring... being bombarded with outfields and pressure. But as the saying goes, "Practice makes perfect", such trainings are inevitable since ATEC is just around the corner. With so much effort being put in by many people, it would be a shame to let it all go to waste. Thus, I vow to really do my best for this near-final chapter in Army life!!!

I find it really sickening when some people just cannot understand how respect works. On the surface, yes, we must respect our superiors. This is true no doubt but however, after much consideration, I wonder... How much respect should SOME people really deserve? In order for one to respect a senior, the latter should have some character that deserves people's respect. Furthermore, it would be good if the senior also shows some good example to his juniors. If you treat your subordinates like dirt, how do you expect them to show respect to you? Bloody hell... the existance of such guai-lan people are just a joke on Earth... absolute disgrace to humanity and mankind. Please act your age and not be petty when things doesn't go your way. Just because you want to get people into trouble, you keep changing your accusation to suit you. Firstly, you accused people of something and threatened to silence them after they were unable to answer a question that would put them into jeopedy no matter what. Then, when reporting, you accused them of another offence. Please... make up your bloody mind... Think for your own and don't act like a dog under people's control...

Speaking of that, I would like to share a quote that my teacher told my class in my first English lesson in YTSS: It's not the APTITUDE but the ATTITUDE that determines the ALTITUDE of your life. This means that although one may be knowledgable, it doesn't mean he will be successful in life. What's more important is his character. With a positive mindset and a good attitude, he would advance far in life.

9/26/2010 09:21:00 am
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lethal Injection... Painless? Humane? Flawless?

To be frank, this blog's initial purpose is to express my views when I was undergoing General Paper in JC. If you look at the archieves, I have some factual and subjective posts. Yeah... you may realise why most of my posts are about Crime and Punishment, Law and the Death Penalty. Cause that's one of my interest in life. To study about Crime and Punishment especially allows me to get more in tuned of the legal system around the world, and hopefully, help me pursue my secondary goal - to be a Policeman. About the Death Penalty? It's because I absolutely detest it... from the process to the intent of it... That's why I want to read up more about such topics to have a broader sense of why such ridiculous (IMHO) things exist.

For some time now, I have been questioning myself on the effectiveness of Lethal Injection, which has become one of the most common method of execution around the world. All of the 38 states in US that allow Capital Punishment (including US Military and US Government) utilises Lethal Injection as the primary method of execution (some states has a secondary method in which the prisoner is allowed to choose from). For your information, prior to 2008, Nebraska is the only state in US that used Electrocution as its sole method of execution. It was rendered unconstitutional then, but approved Lethal Injection in 2009. Furthermore, some Asian countries like the Phillippines, Thailand and China also uses it.

I suppose one reason why Lethal Injection got so popular is because its relatively painless way to murder the inmate. Just some brief information of the process. Firstly, the inmate is strapped onto a gurney. An IV line will be inserted into each arm (One is the primary line, whereby the other one is for backup in case the former fails due to occlusion of the needles, etc). The drugging process can be started either manually or by flipping a switch on a machine. Typically, 3 drugs are used. The first is Sodium Thiopentel, which is an ultra-short action barbiturate that renders unconsiousness in a few seconds (Think of it like putting a person to sleep before an operation). Next up, Pancuronium Bromide, a paralysing agent is injected. This is a muscle relaxant, which completely paralyses the muscles in the body. Finally, a toxic agent, Potassium Chloride, is given. This stops the victim's heart and thus, cause death through cadiac arrest.

On the surface, this method of execution may seem painless, since the victim is put to sleep and thus, would be unable to feel the effects of the other 2 drugs. However, to be considered flawlessly painless would be an overrated statement. There have been occasions whereby the first drug is not injected properly, or the prisoner's body did not react normally to it. Thus, the inmate would not be rendered unconsiousness totally. This will allow him to feel the excruciating pain of the heart attack and yet unable to move his body (due to the paralysing agent). Thus, the victim would be left to die knowing that he is in extreme pain and not able to move his body.

To keep is short (this is not meant to be an argument, just some personal opinion), Lethal Injection would only be effective and painless if Sodium Thiopental is injected with the correct dossage and that the prisoner's body would react normally to how it should react.

9/19/2010 03:44:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

A Fun Week... A Fun(ner) Weekend!!!

Yoyoyo!!! This week has been very exciting... It totally made me change the way I feel about outfield exercises. Not only was this week's programme quite relaxed, it was really fun as well. Got to do something which I really enjoy - chop trees! What's more fun than sawing off the thick bark of such sturdy structures man... At night, we get to participate in some team building games. Coupled with some "roller-coaster rides",  it was really an enjoyable training indeed.

After booking out, I went to Swensens at Tampines Mall with Herman, Freddy, Timothy, Zhi Xiang,  and Jerome to have lunch. It was having a 1 for 1 promotion that time, so we decided to go for it. The Spicy Fish Baked Rice that I ate was actually quite nice... But still, nothing beats the Curry Zazzle Baked Rice from Pizza Hut. It's still the best! Futhermore, we topped up an extra $5 for a soft drink, soup of the day and a single scoop of Ice-cream. Yummy!!!

Saturday was quite a busy day for me. I was outside from 1100 to 2200 on that day. First up, I met up with 3 of my friends from YTSS: Kelvin, Ka Tat and Kai Sheng at Yishun MRT to head to Vivo for our long awaited movie - Love Cut. Haha... Yeah it does seem wierd to be watching a touching show with guys, but it's interest that counts, right? It certainly beats watching it alone. We managed to purchase a $3 Popcorn Combo (using Kelvin's GV membership card) which consists of a bucket-load of Popcorn and a soft drink. It's really worth it... you get more Popcorn at less price compared to the $6 Safra combo. Anyway, the movie was definitely touching... it teaches one to respect and treasure your loved ones while they are still around. Really awesome movie. Well developed and meaningful. Here's the theme song for the show: Tian Tian Xiang Ni...

After the movie, I left to meet up with Zhi Xiang, Herman and Clarence at Habourfront MRT station. We headed to a nearby Hawker Centre to have lunch then took Clarence's car to the Lifestylemart at Safra Mount Faber. Bought a water bottle, mess tin and a torch light... Oh, speaking of torch light, MY TORCH LIGHT AND SOG KENA STOLEN DURING OUTFIELD!!! Bloody hell... stupid thief not enough money or what... Or hands simply too itchy from some wierd compulsive stealing disease!!! Damn it!!! Never mind... there's always something called Retribution...

After some shopping, Clarence and I had a mini showdown in Bowling. Darn... shouldn't have played a second game... My score dropped like mad... From 119 in the first round to a mere 45 in the second round... What's happening man!!! Need to relax my wrists more... Arrgh... never mind. Clarence then intended to drive Herman and I to Ang Mo Kio (since it's on his way to his next destination), but then, due to my inattentiveness in giving road directions... he drove us to Yishun instead! Haha sorry Clarence... was not really concentrating on the road... Hehe...

Anyway, Herman finally decided to have a personal blog on top of his Econs blog! Whoo-hoo! Got another blog to stalk le... Hehehe... :)

Watch this video... damn cool and funny... Enjoy!!!

9/19/2010 03:05:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Sunday, September 12, 2010

2 Down, Many More to Go!!!

This is getting awesome-ly ridiculous... siong training every week... so much so that it made me feel as if I have taken physical trainings for granted. Last 2 weeks have been gruelling for me, especially the most recent training session. What's worse is that the rain made it even more demoralising. Things are as usual, which includes the dreaded nature walk... (I wonder, by the end of the stroll, how are people still gonna have the energy to accomplish their tasks)

Had my third duty this week. Somehow or rather, I am actually starting to enjoy doing them, since it can help me burn some calories. Haha... (No implications ok ^^) So far, my duty superiors have been very nice people. They are the type that command respect through character and actions, rather than forcing respect from their subordinates. Hopefully, my luck will not run out anytime soon, or at least until I attained freedom...

This weekend has been quite short for me. Booked out early on Thursday and played computer game at home. Then, I had dinner with my parents at the nearby Taste of Thailand stall... The Pineapple Rice is very orgasmic. Seriously too value for money. On Friday evening, I met Herman and Keefe at Tampines Mall to have dinner. Dunno why, the Grilled Fish did not taste as good as the last time I ate it... perhaps due to the amount of butter they used... too salty... Then, we watched Haunted Changi at 8pm. After the show, I finally got the point of not to watch any horror movies... Just not my type man... Thereafter, I bought some snacks and booked in for duty the following morning.

I am really looking forward to the ORD trip that my platoon mates would be organising. From Singapore to Langkawi to Hong Kong, at less than about $700 in total. Hopefully everything turns out well. Gonna shop till I drop man... Hehe...

Anyway, I would like to share this video with everyone. It's seriously meaningful and inspiring. Enjoy!

9/12/2010 03:46:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Sunday, September 05, 2010

A Very Lethargic Weekend

Whoa... this weekend has been extremely shag-a-holic for me. Had duty on Friday night - of which I only had a total of not more than 4.5 hours of interrupted rest. Then on Saturday, I had barely enjoyed the comfort of home when I have to move out again for another duty. This time, the duty was voluntary and much much more exciting than the one I had the previous day. No no... it's nothing related to the Army. Lolz

I met up with Pauline at the McDonalds near Chong Pang CC and then headed to Yishun Sports Hall together. We went there early at about 12.30pm and got myself refreshed with the rules for an hour before the Taekwondo National Tournament commences.

Omg... it's been like a year since I've officiated in Taekwondo competitions. Luckily, there's no Video Replay this time (which I am not really familiar with its procedure). What's more fortunate was that I was not the first person in my team to be the centre Referee, if not I would have screwed up big time. Haha. So for the first 3 bouts, I can at least get a rough gauge of the level of intensity of the fighters and get more used to the actions of the Referees. Soon, it was my time to Referee the match for 2 bouts. Man... I sweat like hell during that time, since I had to keep following the fighter's positions. Well, that's quite typical of the Junior categories - they make up power with lightning speed. I left at about 4.30pm to go to Yishun library to return my books and then met Herman at Nee Soon East CC at 5.15pm for Taekwondo training before the actual class. After the class, we ate Long John Silvers and then headed home at 10pm.

Back home, Zhi Xiang and I talked on MSN, where he shared a music video entited "Every Singaporean Son" on Youtube. The song is very touching and meaningful, more so when it is viewed on the day of our ORD. Haha... kept replaying and replaying - until I finally closed the window to stop myself from further replays.

Whoa... one whole day gone like that. Now comes the dreaded Sunday - the day I have to book into camp. For the morning, I went back to Yishun Sports Hall to officiate in the Taekwondo competition till about 1.30pm when I went back home to take a rest and chill out. Played some games for about 3 hours and slept like a pig till 6.40 pm.

Damn... weekends are just too short. Now it's about time to head back to camp for a tiring week ahead. Haha... Zzz... very sleepy. Hopefully can have a good rest tonight...

9/05/2010 07:46:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

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