
Name: Maung Soe aka Cloud/Zante
Age: 19
Birthday: 03 Oct 1990
Primary School: Yishun
Secondary School: Yishun Town
Tertiary School: Anderson JC


Criminal Law
Calm Songs
Positive Friends
Physical Geography
Touching Movies


False Accusations
Hardcore Criminals
People who "barks"
The Death Penalty




1st-class Honours
Successful Teacher
Flying Side Kick
NCAP Theory
International TKD Referee


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


--- 3 SIR Friends ---
Freddy Peh
Herman Cheong (Econs)
Herman Cheong (Personal)
Kelvin Lam
Timothy Chan

--- AJC Classmates ---
Hsien Yong
Hui Keat (Blog 1)
Hui Keat (Blog 2)
Phyu Thinn
Qi Yi
Wen Jie
Wen Ying

--- MI Classmates ---

--- YTSS Schoolmates ---
Jin Cai
Kai Sheng
Yang Yi
Zhi Jun


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Exercise, Exercise & Exercise

Holaz there! This holiday is certainly one of my best in terms of opportunities for physical activities. So far, I've been to Bowling sessions, Swimming, Taekwondo Trainings, Joggings, Gym Sessions, Cycling.

Of all the days, today was my most physical day of all. Woke up at 0540 and left house at 0620. Then, I jogged from opposite Chong Pang Community Club all the way to Yishun Stadium. It was not as tough as I expected, considering that it was my debut. Reached the stadum at 0645 or so, and did some warm-ups. Then, I went for 1 round jogging on the track, followed by 10 sit-ups and 10 log-raisings. I repeat this for another 5 sets (subsequent sets consist of only 200m - 300m jogging, 10 sit-ups and 10 log-raisings). Kelvin and Jorvin also came to the stadium too. I exercised until 0745 and then took a break. Finally, at 0805, I walked to Block 154, Yishun, and got prepared for my Sunday Taekwondo Class. Today's training consists of revision of basic movements. Cindy was there also, since she wants to polish up her pattern and learn unarmed combat for her 2nd-poom grading on 5 -Jan-2008. I taught her the unarmed combat

12/23/2007 08:10:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Outing With Friends

Today is another day when I spent much of my savings. Hahax. First on the programme was the K-Box session organised by Kelvin. We went to the outlet in Ang Mo Kio just beside Ryders, and boy, I was shocked at the prices on that day. It was Hari Raya Haji, and no wonder, prices shoot up due to it being a public holiday. The starting price for each person was $16 and titbits was $6 for 2 people. Since there're 4 of us that day (Kelvin, Kai Sheng, Jorvin & myself), we had to pay $12 for titbits alone (daylight robbery huh?). Due to the high price, we wanted to make sure that the $12 was really worth it. So what we do? Simple! We only eat those items that we like and when only those "not good" items are left, we immediately asked for a refill. Hahax. In the end, we asked them to refill about 5 or 6 times. At the 5th time, we were given 3 bowls of titbits and on the 6th time, we were given 4. We should have called for a 7th refill and maybe they will give us 5 bowls... Lolz! Had no sang for a long time already and hence, my tune was not at its optimal. But then, it is the fun that counts! The total bill stated about $94, omg...

After singing, we went to Ryders to play 1 hour of Counter-Strike. Well, that's when things are looking better for me... Had lots of fun killing my friends and also got killed many times too, especially by Kelvin. My favourite was spawn-killing in the AWP map. Whenever the game restarts, I immediately aimed at the opposite end and killed my enemies before they even picked up their weapons. Hahahx.

12/23/2007 07:59:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Taekwondo Demonstration A Success

The Nee Soon East Appreciation Night went well, especially for the Taekwondo team. I only realised on the day itself that there is plank-breaking, using Front Kick, Side Kick, Turning Kick and Backthrust. Luckily, I didn't screw up the pledge like in National Day Observation Ceremony 2007. Hahax. After the performance, we were treated to a Buffet Dinner. Man, the food was extremely delicious and I even went for up to 5 rounds! In the end, there is still much food left and we were encouraged to take some home.

Prior to the demonstration, Jin Cai, Jorvin, Kian Ming, Kai Sheng and I went to explore Terminal 3. Sadly, we were told that the last day to explore the inner region (place where people can enter only after clearing immigration) was on 9 December. What a bummer... We spent about 45 minutes just looking at the water fountain at the basement of the terminal. Jin Cai was so obsessed with the vibrant colours of the waters and the way it is flowing, that he kept on taking photos like there's no tomorrow. Hahax. While there, we took a break doing some chocolate-shopping.

12/23/2007 07:51:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Friday, December 07, 2007

Nee Soon East CSC Appreciation Night 2007

Holaz again! Welcome to Cloud's Lair!!!

I was only given 2 weeks notice about this event - Nee Soon East CSC Appreciation Night. Well, this year, as part of the agenda, there is a Martial Arts performance. So far, I know that Silat and Taekwondo will be performing.

Day: Saturday
Date: 15 December 2007
Place: Nee Soon East CC (Hall)

1930: Arrival of Participants & Guests
2000: Arrival of GOH - Associate Professor Ho Peng Kee
2010: Welcoming address by CSC Chairman
2015: Presentation of Certificates to all Team Conveners, Players & Assistants
2045: Buffet Dinner (WOO-HOO!!!) & Martial Arts Demonstration
2130: Lucky Draw
2200: Home Sweet Home

I was just wondering... Dinner and Demonstration at the same time period? Omg... I eat already then cannot perform le... cause after eating, I can only think about food. Hahax

Regarding the demonstration, Taekwondo will be performing as follows:
- Combined Basic Movements (White Belt Pattern)
- Taeguek Il-Jang (Yellow Belt Pattern)
- Taeguek Sam-Jang (Green Belt Pattern)
- Taeguek Chil-Jang (Brown Belt Pattern)
- Synchronised Koryo Poomsae (1st Dan/Poom Belt Pattern)
- Kyorugi (Free Sparring)
- Armed Combat
- Scenario-demonstration

All are welcome!!!

Speaking of the demonstration, I am told to lead the TKD pledge taking. I led the pledge before (during 2007 National Day Performance at Nee Soon East Courtyard), and it turned out to be a disaster. One problem is my voice... during National Day, the surrounding was extremely noisy, so I couldn't even hear my own voice... However, I also mixed up the words in the pledge... made me very embarrassed that day. Luckily, the noisy surrounding just nullified this word-jumble. Fortunately this time, my master told me that microphones will be provided... hahax... It should make my job much easier.

Now that that's over, I was only informed about this 2 weeks before. Hence, to have an easier time rehearsing for the synchronised pattern, we gathered the same people that used to perform together on previous occasions. Furthermore, the 2 of us are of the same club, so we can easily practice during our bi-weekly trainings. I hope that at the end of those rehearsals, we are ready to rumble!!!

12/07/2007 10:46:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Time For A Break... At Least For Now

Holaz! It's been way long since I've updated my blog. Well, people have been telling me to update my blog. Well, I'd apologise for the lack of response - I just had no inspiration to blog. Hahax.

Hmm, where shall I begin? Oh yeah! I think I'm going to make this blog featuring my memories, instead of some GP matters. Promos has ended long ago, but sadly, my results are mediocre. Upon receiving back my papers, I could not believe my results. With a DDSSUU, I thought I was a goner for sure. I even had plans on how to ace should I be retained in JC1. Fortunately, my school decided to give me another chance to show my academic abilities, by advancing me to JC2. I was extremely grateful for it. Seeing that I've been given this chance to move on, I will definitely study hard for my A-Levels.

This holiday also serve 2 more purposes. Firstly, is my ample opportunity for fat-catabolism, and muscle-anabolism. My plan is to exercise 9 times a week: 4 jogging sessions, 2 gym sessions, 3 Taekwondo sessions. The rewards not only include becoming fitter, but also to be able to master some of the techniques which I longed to perform in TKD.

The other purpose of this holiday is well, to catch up on some games (lolz). Well, I'm not going to elaborate much into it. Hahax.

Now that November has past, I really have to focus my time and energy into my study. I hope that by the end of the holidays, I'll be really prepared to face the upcoming year. ^^

12/02/2007 08:40:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

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