
Name: Maung Soe aka Cloud/Zante
Age: 19
Birthday: 03 Oct 1990
Primary School: Yishun
Secondary School: Yishun Town
Tertiary School: Anderson JC


Criminal Law
Calm Songs
Positive Friends
Physical Geography
Touching Movies


False Accusations
Hardcore Criminals
People who "barks"
The Death Penalty




1st-class Honours
Successful Teacher
Flying Side Kick
NCAP Theory
International TKD Referee


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


--- 3 SIR Friends ---
Freddy Peh
Herman Cheong (Econs)
Herman Cheong (Personal)
Kelvin Lam
Timothy Chan

--- AJC Classmates ---
Hsien Yong
Hui Keat (Blog 1)
Hui Keat (Blog 2)
Phyu Thinn
Qi Yi
Wen Jie
Wen Ying

--- MI Classmates ---

--- YTSS Schoolmates ---
Jin Cai
Kai Sheng
Yang Yi
Zhi Jun


Monday, August 30, 2010

Long Weekend Cut Short
I was really looking forward to the long weekend I was supposed to get after YOG. Unfortunately, it was cut short when I had to perform regimental duty on Sunday.

Saturday was especially busy for me. Together with my Secondary School friends, I went out to Vivo to catch a movie entitled "Grown-ups". Since the show only starts 1 hour later, we decided to have our late brunch first. We ate Figs and Olives since it was nearby and it was having a 1 for 1 promotion then. Although it costs quite a lot, the food's well worth it, especially the pasta.

Yummy lunch of Grilled Chicken with Pasta, Chicken Soup and Garlic Bread

The total bill. Darn... I forgot to take Service Charge into account.

After the sumptuous meal, we went to the cinema to watch the movie. It's a comedy show, full of hilarious (and to an extent, childish) jokes. All in all, it's still a movie worth watching on weekdays. Haha. But still, the main humour goes to Kai Sheng's No.1 hairstyle. Lolz. Unfortunately, I will not be posting his picture here since he rather wants it to be undisclosed.

After the movie, I rushed home to prepare my stuff for TKD training in the evening. As usual, Herman and I arrived 1 hour early to warm up and practice our kicks. After the training, Teck Wei and I decided to have a sparring session. I really damn rusty le... It's been like almost a year since I last sparred. (The last time I sparred was during my 2009 October Centralised Grading) He definitely has improved a lot since I last practiced with him. That match showed 1 thing - It's time for me to focus more on kicking and sparring from now on!
Thereafter, Herman and I went to 18Chefs to have our dinner. I had a bowl of baked rice and tried out their signature Iced Lemon Tea. Then, I rushed home to prepare to book in to camp for my Sunday duty.
Sunday's duty was not as bad as I had expected. The commanders and the duty superiors were very friendly. Luckily I did not kena those guai-lan people. During my break time, I tried out my new NDS game entitled Dragon Quest IX. It's quite a nice classic RPG game that is somewhat like Final Fantasy, where you control a hero and 3 other party members on an adventure to right what is wrong.
Sadly, this great weekend is coming to an end when I had to book in early for a long and tiring week ahead. Hopefully, I'll be able to pull through the shack-a-holic training that is in stored for us.

8/30/2010 05:45:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Friday, August 27, 2010

YOG Closing Ceremony

Yesterday marks the end of the inargural Youth Olympic Games Singapore 2010. The show was awesomely spectacular and it ended with a blast! They just spammed the fireworks!!! Kaboom! Haha. Except for a 'slight' cock-up in the show, everything's just swell. :)

With that in mind, yesterday also marks the end of the constant sai-kang that we have to go through. Much as we appreciate the atheletes who have participated in the YOG, we also have to be grateful to those volunteers and "volunteers" who have spent endless hours day and night to ensure the successful execution of the event. Kudos to all of them!!! =D

A stunning facade of Marina

Look at those bright red fireworks!!!

Combination of the above! =D

Haha I know this's random. Timothy's candit-shot! Lolz

Not only did we get to watch such an awesome show, we also had a 'free-flow' of goody-bags after the show! Also I also managed to obtain 1 of the exclusive lighted Lyo stylo hat! Haha.

Well, happy things aside. Sometimes I wonder if human beings are willing to put in that extra effort to clear their own wastes. It's not like the dustbin is 1km away or something. I'm sure there're plenty of rubbish points around that area and what's more, one is able to find a rubbish bin at about a mere 50m away! I'm not sure if people are really too lethargic, too engrossed in the performance, or just cannot give a damn about keeping the place clean. One can see litters everywhere - on the seats, on the stage, on the pavement, you name it. If only everyone put in that extra effort to clear their rubbish in the proper manner, it would really save the volunteers a whole lot of trouble doing the dirty work for them. And if that's not enough, it would really make the place look clean and liven up the atmosphere! Imagine watching a show in a messy place. Would you want that?

Look at the distance between the bin and the litters

Look at the tremendous amount of junk on the ground

Anyway, enough of YOG. Now that it's over, the trainings are gonna resume full-blast. That means one thing: SHACK!!!!!! Damn... gonna have much time to be one with nature for the next 2 weeks. This is really sickening... I've had enough of nature walks! Never mind, just 7 more months and I'll be free from an almost-total restraint. After that, it's around the world in 80 days!!! Jajaja ^^

8/27/2010 10:51:00 am
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Casting "Arise" on Blog

Wah... long time never update blog le... Think its about time I do so. This blog has been dead for more than 4 months... and now it shall be revived!!!

Army has been rather interesting so far... exposing me to many different events, people and ideas - some of which are truely unique and enriching. Time really flies... From 12 March 2009 till today, it seemed like I've only served a few months. Well, everything that begins has its end. In about 7 months time, I would be promoted to the rank of "Mr". Much as I want my ORD to quickly arrive, I still have to treasure the remaining time left in the Army (especially the friendship forged within the platoon).

Currently, I am helping out in the inaugural Youth Olympic Games. There are pros and cons of helping out in the YOG. For one thing, being involved in YOG gives me an opportunity to escape from the rigour of trianings. It gives me a highly probable once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be involved in an international sports event. So far, Singapore has won quite a few medals. What's more joyful is that Singapore has attained 2 bronze medals in Taekwondo! Kudos to Daryl Tan and Nurul Shafinas Zakaria! Of course, not to mention all those who have represented Singapore for the YOG. It doesn't matter if medals are won or not. As long as they have showed sportsmanship and the never-give-up attitude, everyone's a winner!

Now to other issues. It really feels great to be able to go back for Taekwondo training after 3 weeks of absence due to YOG. It finally gave me an opportunity to really work out. Although I injured my right big toe due to an improper landing from a Crescent Kick, I felt like I've re-ignited my passion to train hard for future competitions.

And you know what? I've finally quitted WoW (World of Warcraft)!!! Woohoo!!! I finally thought it through that I should not be spending much time on it, since it makes me forgo other important stuff like going out with friends or studying for University. After weighing the pros and cons of quitting the game, I have finally mustered the "courage" to delete all WoW game contents from my computer!

Last but not least, I really feel that I should start to exercise more often. Now that I've returned from the pseudo world, I should have more time to work out. Firstly, I have to focus on losing weight, by about 10kg! It may seem hard, but it's certainly possible. I've been told time and again from my friends that I should be regulating my food intake. I think I should start heeding their advice. After all, the stake is rather high - its a healthy life.

Hopefully I will be able to update my blog weekly. That way, I will be able to keep track of how I've been doing and most importantly, gives me a platform to reflect and look back to the past. :)

8/22/2010 07:42:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

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