
Name: Maung Soe aka Cloud/Zante
Age: 19
Birthday: 03 Oct 1990
Primary School: Yishun
Secondary School: Yishun Town
Tertiary School: Anderson JC


Criminal Law
Calm Songs
Positive Friends
Physical Geography
Touching Movies


False Accusations
Hardcore Criminals
People who "barks"
The Death Penalty




1st-class Honours
Successful Teacher
Flying Side Kick
NCAP Theory
International TKD Referee


April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
December 2007
February 2008
April 2008
January 2010
February 2010
August 2010
September 2010
October 2010


--- 3 SIR Friends ---
Freddy Peh
Herman Cheong (Econs)
Herman Cheong (Personal)
Kelvin Lam
Timothy Chan

--- AJC Classmates ---
Hsien Yong
Hui Keat (Blog 1)
Hui Keat (Blog 2)
Phyu Thinn
Qi Yi
Wen Jie
Wen Ying

--- MI Classmates ---

--- YTSS Schoolmates ---
Jin Cai
Kai Sheng
Yang Yi
Zhi Jun


Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Survivor: Brunei (Coming Soon)

Sianz... it seems like only yesterday since I enlisted... And now, I will soon have to depart Singapore to participate in Survival: Brunei.

Had final inspection yesterday and then booked out. Man, squeezing those required items into the Duffel bags sure pose a tough challenge. Was sweating like a pig when I was packing up my baggage for checking-in. To all those who have helped me in packing my stuff - namely Freddy, Clarence, Hong Wei, Timothy and Sgt Hong Da (Apologies if I left out your name) - I really appreciated it, Thank you! ^^

Well, that's not all for today. Just when we thought we can have lunch in peace, we were suddenly told to go for a hair-cut. The purpose - personal hygiene before embarking in our 18 days adventure. Well, the problem is that my hair is already short enough, and yet was required to cut hair. Like got hair for you to cut meh? Bloody hell! Just wasted $4 on such a ridiculous hair-cut. The end- result was like... aww... no difference from my original hair-style? Damn... I wonder what's going on in their minds...

Well, nuff-said about that fantastic hair-do... After booking out of camp, I went to Century Square along with Herman, Timothy, Hong Wei and Satiya to watch The Fourth Kind. Kinda interesting in terms of plot and suspense... But horror-wise, it was so-so only.

Reached home at around 6pm, went for training till 9.30pm, then ate KFC for dinner after that... Man... must really enjoy Singapore food before going off, since it will be quite a long time before coming back.

Scared sia... Brunei... Like totally different from Singapore's gardens. Moreover, we were told of gigantic insects and the extreme darkness there. I just hope I'll be able to endure through that nature walk and come out of it alive. Well, at least there's something to look forward to - Chinese New Year is just around the corner and just nice, got TKD grading on the morning of 31 Jan 2010 (1 day after returning home).

Well, this will be my last post before coming back. Take care man! ^^
May the Lord have mercy on my soul...

1/12/2010 01:27:00 am
Maung SNZ, Cloud

Friday, January 01, 2010

Countdown @ Esplanade 2009
It's the last day of the year 2009. People worldwide are waiting in anticipation for the clock to hit 12am. In Singapore, it's no different. Crowds of people are forming almost everywhere, especially in the town area, for the countdown to 2010.

At about 11pm that night, I met some of my usual friends - Kelvin, Kai Sheng, Ka Tat, Wei Rong and Benny at Yishun MRT. Our destination is the vicinity of the Esplanade at City Hall. Upon arrival, we were like forced to squeeze between loads of people just to get to our desired location. It took us about 20 minutes to even walk a mere 500m. Once we reached the open space opposite the Padang (I think its near the Benjamin Sheares Bridge), we were immediately treated to a spectacular display of fireworks. The view was simply awesome. Many cameras were held high in the air and screams of joy were prevalent. The whole amazing sight lasted about 10 minutes. Immediately after that, we decided to take a few group photos.

1/01/2010 08:59:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

CSB Route March

Whoa... This blog has been dead for such a long time... I guess its time I revive it again. Haha.

Well, I've enlisted in Army and am now in 3 SIR. Having gone through around 9 months of Army life, I have experienced a dramatic change in lifestyle. No longer am I able to roam freely, doing whatever I want. Now, there's a regime to follow and discipline is the utmost importance here. Throughout the 9 months, I have gone through quite a lot. One thing that I would like to share here is the 32km Route March that occured recently.

I suppose the CSB (Combat Skills Badge) is one of the most common achievement in Infantry. Nevertheless, it's still a great achievement for one to achieve, seeing that there are quite a few tough criterias within it. One of them is the 32km Route March. It occured on 23 December 2009, just before we break off for Christmas. We set off to Pulau Tekong in the afternoon and began the gruelling Route March at night. The March was no doubt physically and mentally demanding, since there is a time limit to meet and quite a few tests along the way. What's worse is that it drizzled during the March. Fortunately, it did not escalate into a downpour.

We walked and walked... It felt as though it would never end. However, with encouragements from our peers and commanders, most of us were able to complete the punishing nature walk and thus, complete the toughest criterion for CSB. Thereafter, we headed back to camp and tying a few loose ends, we booked out.

Upon reaching home, I felt aches all over my body, especially the feet. Even with tights, minor abrasions still occured. I guess I did not wear them high enough. Completing the painful package is multiple blisters on my feet. Nonetheless, I am still glad that I've completed one of the shackest activities in stored for me this 2 years in National Service.

1/01/2010 08:44:00 pm
Maung SNZ, Cloud

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